Books on Trying to Conceive

Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health

For any woman unhappy with her current method of birth control; demoralized by her quest to have a baby; or experiencing confusing symptoms in her cycle, this book provides answers to all these questions, plus amazing insights into a woman’s body. Weschler thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method, which in only a couple minutes a day allows a woman to:

• Enjoy highly effective, scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices
• Maximize her chances of conception or expedite fertility treatment by identifying impediments to conception
• Increase the likelihood of choosing the gender of her baby
• Gain control of her sexual and gynecological health

Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility

MAKING BABIES offers a proven 3-month program designed to help any woman get pregnant. Fertility medicine today is all about aggressive surgical, chemical, and technological intervention, but Dr. David and Blakeway know a better way. Starting by identifying “fertility types,” they cover everything from recognizing the causes of fertility problems to making lifestyle choices that enhance fertility to trying surprising strategies such as taking cough medicine, decreasing doses of fertility drugs, or getting acupuncture along with IVF. MAKING BABIES is a must-have for every woman trying to conceive, whether naturally or through medical intervention. Dr. David and Blakeway are revolutionizing the fertility field, one baby at a time.

What to Expect Before You’re Expecting

Announcing the prequel. From Heidi Murkoff, author of America’s bestselling pregnancy and parenting books, comes the must-have guide every expectant couple needs before they even conceive—the first step in What to Expect: What to Expect Before You’re Expecting.

An estimated 11 million couples in the U.S. are currently trying to conceive, and medical groups now recommend that all hopeful parents plan for baby-making at least three months before they begin trying. And who better to guide wanna-be moms and dads step-by-step through the preconception (and conception) process than Heidi Murkoff?

The Mind-Body Fertility Connection: The True Pathway to Conception

Now there is new hope for the millions of women worldwide who have had difficulty trying to conceive. The Mind-Body Fertility Connection explores the feelings, emotions and beliefs that may be blocking conception, and it provides the necessary tools to create a successful pregnancy.

By bringing together the latest scientific data and innovative mind-body techniques, this book unveils a new pathway to conception: a pathway of healing through the emotions which allows women to unblock the potential for childbearing.  This book dissects the feelings, beliefs and old emotional injuries which often create subconscious obstacles that can disrupt an otherwise healthy functioning reproductive system. It delves into an unexplored realm that not only exposes the hidden barriers which can cause infertility but also reveals the secrets that can lead to a successful pregnancy.

The Mind-Body Fertility Connection helps women experience their fertility as a journey of empowerment and presents a fresh new perspective on how to create conception.

The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies

Infertility affects one out of six couples today. Dr. Lewis presents a groundbreaking alternative approach to infertility, explaining how she used traditional Chinese medicine to treat her own infertility, successfully conceiving and giving birth to two children.

WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source

With WomanCode, holistic health coach Alisa Vitti shows women how to maintain health and vitality with a food-based program to rebalance their hormones.

Alisa Vitti found herself suffering through the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and was able to heal herself through food and lifestyle changes. Relieved and reborn, she made it her mission to empower other women to be able to do the same.

Whether you are suffering from irregular periods, fertility issues, depression, or lack of sex drive, Alisa Vitti says that meds and anti-depressants aren’t the only solutions. Groundbreaking and informative, WomanCode educates women about hormone health in a way that’s relevant and easy to understand. And the five-step protocol can markedly improve health and overall quality of life.

The Impatient Woman’s Guide to Getting Pregnant

Trying to get pregnant is enough to make any woman impatient. The Impatient Woman’s Guide to Getting Pregnant is a complete guide to the medical, psychological, social, and sexual aspects of getting pregnant, told in a funny, compassionate way, like talking to a good friend who’s been through it all. And in fact, Dr. Jean Twenge has been through it all—the mother of three young children, she started researching fertility when trying to conceive for the first time. A renowned sociologist and professor at San Diego State University, Dr. Twenge brought her research background to the huge amount of information—sometimes contradictory, frequently alarmist, and often discouraging— that she encountered online, from family and friends, and in books, and decided to go into the latest studies to find out the real story.

The Fertility Diet: Groundbreaking Research Reveals Natural Ways to Boost Ovulation and Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

The Fertility Diet reveals startling new research from the landmark Nurses’ Health Study, which shows that the food you eat can boost your fertility. The book prescribes ten simple changes in diet and activity that can increase your chances of getting pregnant.These changes include:

  • Cutting back on red meat and trans fats
  • Getting protein and iron from veggies and nuts
  • Choosing whole-fat milk and even ice cream
  • Drinking coffee, tea, and alcohol in moderation
  • Losing weight (if needed) and exercising

The Nurses’ Health Study exhaustively examined the effects of diet and other lifestyle changes on fertility among nearly 20,000 female nurses. Two of the study’s lead researchers translate its groundbreaking findings into changes you can put into practice today, setting the stage for a healthy pregnancy and forming the foundation for an eating strategy that will serve you well for the rest of your life. The Fertility Diet also offers a week’s worth of meal plans and delicious recipes that will make following the guildelines easy and tasty.

Cooking for Fertility

The wisdom that what you eat is a direct reflection of your health is now widely accepted as science continues to prove that certain foods do in fact improve reproductive function. Cooking for Fertility: Foods to Nourish Your Fertile Soul offers a simple approach to eating for fertility that combines modern science with the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine. While enhancing your chances of conceiving, the bigger picture of living a fertile life is important: you will learn which lifestyle, exercise and food choices are fertility promoting. For those experiencing infertility, specific meal plans address common Western and Chinese Medicine imbalances with healing foods. By optimizing your digestion, you naturally absorb more nutrients and prepare yourself for a healthy pregnancy. Above all else, the key to eating for fertility is pleasure: over 100 delicious recipes included for your enjoyment!

Inconceivable: A Woman’s Triumph over Despair and Statistics

A memoir of hope for the thousands of women struggling with infertility, from one who beat the odds by simply tuning in to her body and tapping her well of sheer determination.

At a time when more and more women are trying to get pregnant at increasingly advanced ages, fertility specialists and homeopathic researchers boast endless treatment options. But when Julia Indichova made the rounds of medical doctors and nontraditional healers, she was still unable to conceive a child. It was only when she forsook their financially and emotionally draining advice, turning inward instead, that she finally met with reproductive success. Inconceivable recounts this journey from hopeless diagnoses to elated motherhood.

Unlike the many infertility books that take a clinical “how to” approach, Inconceivable simply professes the wisdom of giving expert status back to the patient. Julia’s self-discovery, and her ability to see her body as an ally once again, yield a beautiful message about the importance of honoring the body’s innate powers, and the power of life itself.

Fully Fertile: A Holistic 12-Week Plan for Optimal Fertility

The healing powers of traditional yoga, Oriental medicine, nutrition, and other mind/body techniques are accessible with this do-it-yourself manual for women who are struggling with infertility or just looking to improve their odds of conception. Natural methods based on Integrative Care for Fertility™ use a holistic approach to demonstrate how a home-based holistic fertility program can improve mind, body, and spirit, and in turn, maximize chances for conceiving. Photographs are provided to illustrate the proper yoga postures, and interspersed stories from yoga practitioners and experts present real-life struggles of infertility patients and victories that will inspire all women who are trying for a healthy pregnancy and birth. With more than 30 pages of new information, this updated edition also includes a study guide.

3 thoughts on “Books on Trying to Conceive

    • I’ve read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, Making Babies, and Woman Code which were all great books (The Mind-Body Fertility Connection came highly recommended by another blogger too). They also serve slightly different purposes, so it depends what you are looking for? I read TCOYF before even starting to try, and it taught me everything I needed to know about getting pregnant – which is probably why I did manage to get pregnant twice, each on the 3rd cycle (but sadly neither stuck). Making Babies is excellent if you are having trouble getting pregnant – it takes both eastern and western medicine to help you identify what could be the problem, and offers solutions to fix it. Woman Code taught me a ton about the hormonal system and how to eat for optimal fertility. I’d like to read the Mind-Body Fertility Connection next, since it seems to focus on the emotional side of all of this. The other books I listed were some of the more popular/highly rated ones on Amazon, so I decided to include them as well. As far as miscarriage books, I’ve read A Silent Sorrow, Pregnancy After a Loss, and To Full Term. These were probably less helpful than the TTC books, as I feel like I’ve gotten more support/healing from actually connecting with others than these books. I’d like to read Preventing Miscarriage next, and will let you know how it is!


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